Witnessing or Soul Winning?
We hear much today from the pulpit and from books in the Christian book stores that we are to be soul winners. This term of course is found in the Old Testament in the book of Proverbs (Proverbs 11:30 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.). By doing this, replacing the New Testament principle of witnessing with a phrase from the Old Testament verse soul winning, this resulted in making the Christian responsible for the conversion of the sinner rather than proclaiming the truth (being a witness).
With the push to be soul winners came unscriptural tactics and methods for getting sinners to make decisions or perform certain deeds that were then accepted as the proof of conversion. The end result of these tactics are cities filled with people who claim to be saved who have never produced any evidence of regeneration and churches filled with people who must be entertained because they have no spiritual life or interest.
The most important and challenging undertaking God has given to men is to lead lost souls to Jesus Christ. To rescue a sinner costs God more and requires more from man than any other action in human or divine history. While church meeting, evangelist campaigns, radio broadcasts, and such, have their place, Jesus won most, if not all, of His followers by personal effort. We cannot site a single instance of what we would call a great revival taking place during Jesus’ public ministry. He dealt with men and women individually. They in turn, won others.
No Christian is exempted from the call or is too insignificant to be used in this work. Every place is a good spot to reach the lost. Jesus did it in the temple, in the streets, on the seaside, in a boat, on a mountain, in a house, in a graveyard. The apostles added to the list market places, jails, and court rooms,
The call to bear witness comes to us from above, from God the Father. It comes from below, as the rich man pleads for one to witness to his loved ones. It comes from within, as the Holy Spirit urges us on. It comes from without, as a lost and dying world races to its doom.
For a more in depth study:
A Biblical Course In WITNESSING
by James W. Knox
A Biblical Course In WITNESSING
by James W. Knox